Triumph Over Evil – 真命天師

Unnatural Born Killer - 十三密殺令
Before Dawn - 愛在暴風的日子

Description: Lin (Ben Wong), a humble and low-ranking official, accidentally killed the evil monk’s foster son when he tried to arrest fiddler Tin (Cheung Ka Fai). Lin then discovered that he was destined to fight against the spirits and demons. But what he really wants is to marry the girl of his dreams…Ching Ching (Joyce Tang). The evil monk then sent his apprentice Chi (Jan Lau) to befriend Lin. Lin was in constant danger but fortunately he was protected Yuen (Tsui Ho Ying). In the end, Lin decided to take on the mission to fight against the demons. But he had to speed up himself with the magic arts and kung fu…
平凡小捕快連年(黃智賢飾)為揭穿騙子張震天(張家輝飾)的真面目,在一次誤打誤撞下殺死了妖道的義子。原來連年乃腳踏七星之士,是唯一能接掌道教天師一位的人。妖道得悉其身份後,便派出女弟子荷抱子(劉錦玲飾)親近之,欲置他於死地。連年屢次身陷險境,幸得妙道女弟子玄丹子(徐濠縈飾)多番出手相助,才安然無恙。 另一方面,連年一直傾慕富家小姐龍菁菁(滕麗明飾),所以對於接掌天師一事,不感興趣。後菁菁被父逼婚,遂隨連年浪跡江湖,感情突飛猛進。震天一直暗戀菁菁,為成全她與連年,毅然放棄,後與玄丹子展開另一段愛情。 不久,荷抱子身份遭識破,連年晴天霹靂,但仍處處維護她,更與菁菁等反目,連年夾於正邪兩女之間,究竟如何抉擇?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1997
Cast: Ben Wong, Nick Cheung, Joyce Tang, Jay Lau

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