Street Fighters – 廟街‧媽‧兄弟

To Grow With Love - 肥田囍事
Where The Legend Begins - 洛神

Description: Popular Hong Kong singers Hacken Lee and Edmond Leung star in the 2000 TVB drama Street Fighters! When Yeung Dai Bo (Hacken Lee) was a kid, he escaped from the kidnap of some human-smugglers and got adopted by a resident of the Temple Street. He then grew up in this exciting area in Hong Kong where the grassroots live and work. One day a woman (Wong Suk Yee) comes to him and claims that she is Yeung’s biological mother…

The woman’s other son Wong Man Dik (Edmond Leung), an aspiring cop, enjoys everything that Yeung does not: a warm family, a stable income, and a promising future. Before knowing that Yeung may be his brother, Wong mistakenly accuses him of a crime. Added to their conflicts is the fact that they both fall in love with the same girl, played by Michelle Yip in her acting debut. What will become of these two feuding long-lost brothers?

楊帶寶﹝李克勤﹞年幼時遭壞人拐帶,逃脫後流落街頭,幸得廟街老江湖楊合益﹝劉江﹞收養,此後便在廟街打滾。 一天,一名婦人陳鳳英﹝黃淑儀﹞突然跑來相認,堅稱帶寶是她的親兒,令帶寶不勝其煩。鳳英之子王文迪﹝梁漢文﹞任職衝鋒隊督察,曾因誤會與帶寶發生衝突,二人自此互相敵視。與此同時,帶寶發現自己的夢中情人何喜﹝葉璇﹞竟然愛上文迪,失望之餘唯有把情意暗藏心底。何喜和文迪相戀不久後,才驚覺帶寶對自己情深一往,忽感難以捨他而去,一時間不知如何抉擇。廟街另一勢力人物姚志勇﹝余子明﹞為人忠肝義膽,對兒子俊杰﹝張松枝﹞期望甚殷。可惜俊杰性格剛烈,常常惹事生非,為建立霸業不惜出賣父親,又多番挑撥帶寶和好友柯南﹝阮兆祥﹞、莉莉﹝劉玉翠﹞和大春﹝林曉峰﹞等人的感情,弄致廟街雞犬不寧。帶寶和文迪為保衛廟街,終能摒棄成見,共同抗敵…… 究竟鳳英是否帶寶的生母?何喜最後情歸何處?廟街的一場風波能否平息?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 22 Episodes
Release Date: 07 August 2000
Cast: Hacken Lee, Edmond Leung, Gigi Wong, Michelle Ye, Margaret Chung, Tavia Yeung, Jerry Lamb, Rain Lau, Louis Yuen, Natalie Wong, Deno Cheung

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